Mural Painting Prep


Mural painting prep involves communication then coordination. The surface preparation, priming, painting and any modification to structure or trim has to be planned and executed at convenient times around the painting. This mural for the 49 Degrees North Ski Resort Kids Room is just beginning.

Mural prep left wall
Mural prep left wall

Lots of Workers

The talented carpenter dude came in and redesigned the benches adding more bench area and more cubby’s for the kids to use. A pro is always the best choice! This change makes the area more usable for the instructors and their students as they meet and get ready to go out on the hill each day.

Mural Prep

Others numerous trade workers spent hours priming and painting and repairing the walls, beams, and columns. I did not have to do this work for this room, this time. I have spent countless hours doing the priming and painting of other areas up at the resort before I could add my artistic flair to the surface. Honestly, getting a room ready for a mural to be painted can take much longer to do than the actual painting of the mural. Maybe, that is because I tend to paint in a more driven mode than most. I can start at sunrise and forget to stop at dusk if Max isn’t around to let me know it is time to stop.

Mural prep back wall
Mural prep back wall

It is time to come on in and get to work. I take paints, drop cloths, a small scaffold, ladders, buckets, brushes and my lunch box to get set up. Here is the background all primed and painted in medium gray before I begin.

Max, job supervisor
Max, job supervisor

This is Max, my helper or supervisor, always available to help me or remind me to take a break and give him a walk. 🙂 He helps me to go home on time too.


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