Stan Miller

Stan Miller watercolor portrait
Stane Miller Fine Artist

I have an artist friend/teacher named Stan Miller who is phenomenally talented. I look forward to any classes I can arrange to take from him. We both live in Spokane Washington but I was surprised to find out how famous this artist friend of mine is, during our travels. Check out these recent pictures taken while in Breckenridge Colorado.

Stan Miller Truck Far
Stan Miller Truck Far
Stan Miller Truck Close
Stan Miller Truck Close

I didn’t know Stan had  businesses,

Stan Miller Sign
Stan Miller Sign

roads and

Stan Miller Road
Stan Miller Road

machinery in Colorado.

Stan Miller Office
Stan Miller Office

Now, this antique grader does look like something Stan would have us draw in class. I have a better shot of this if anyone would like to draw it. Just personal message me and I’ll send it to you.

Have you been holding out on us Stan?

What have you been up to in the Colorado mountains?

Kress Gallery Opening

Kress Gallery Opening is on Nov 4th. I  have two very recent works included in a art show coming up in a couple of weeks named, “Watercolors by Students of Stan Miller“. The golden retriever/poodle portrait and a large multiple hummingbird painting (just completed) will be in this show. This will be this hummingbird’s painting’s first exposure to the general public so you can be the first to see it.

Show opening is “First Friday” in downtown Spokane on November 4th from 5-8pm. I would love to see you there, so please come visit and enjoy the refreshments. The show is up from Friday Nov. 4th through Nov. 27th, 2016 and my paintings are for sale.

The Kress Gallery  is a 2,650 square foot, multi-use room, located adjacent to the Atrium Cafes on the third level of River Park Square. The Kress Gallery, so named to commemorate the historic Kress Building, is home to a revolving collection of art from local Spokane schools and colleges and is designed to accommodate community events, non-profit and professional group meetings, and select private gatherings.