BO Monochrome Portrait

9″w x 11″h watercolor monochrome (paynes grey) on 140lb Fabriano wc paper.

BO Monochrome Portrait done for the January challenge, to do a painting using only one color. Here is a fellow artist, Bill Okamura for this month’s Spokane Watercolor Society meeting.

What was the result? A realization that “monochrome” changes how I approach a painting. Basically, the values become key, and other colors are not there to distract me as I paint. Use value to get depth and shape.

The chosen color used for this image was Payne’s Gray by Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolors economically available at Spokane Art Supply. Below is the painting in the process after only a few light washes establish the figure.

portrait Bill Okamura

Our monthly meeting for the Spokane Watercolor Society was at Spokane Art supply at 10 am yesterday. Seeing my artist friends and their work is inspiring to me. Bill did a monochrome painting of an old car that was spectacular! Hope he shares with us.

Being able to share methods and techniques is so valuable to me.