Portrait AF in Monochrome

Portrait Amalia Fisch A0320
11″w x 9″h watercolor monochrome (dioxine purple) on 140lb Fabriano wc paper.

Here is my portrait AF  in monochrome. Amalia Fisch is a fellow artist in the Spokane Watercolor Society Club. This portrait was done for the January challenge to do a painting in monochrome. What a challenge it is to do work using only one color. The single color chosen for this image was Dioxazine Purple by Blick Artist’s Watercolors. Below is the painting in the process after a few light washes had established the figure.

Yesterday was our monthly meeting at Spokane Art supply at 10 am. It was great to be able to see my artist friends again. Seeing their work is the highlight of the meeting for me. Being able to share and talk about methods is so valuable. I always learn from these meetings.