
The harvest doesn’t look real impressive sitting here on the kitchen countertop till you see the sizes of them compared to the size of my hand. These are oversized baking pans, so they look kind of normal but take a look at the third picture! Just slightly large aren’t they?


potato 2015
potatoes Yukon Yellow
Yukon Yellow Potatoes
potato 3
potato giant

Zucchini, Yellow Crookneck Squash

Okay, the zucchini is the same way in deceit. They look small stacked there but average 3-5 lbs each. This is just 2 days from the last picking of both kinds. We are not planting this many squashes ever again.

yellow crookneck squash
yellow crookneck squash


We love the sweetness of our own tomatoes. Sometimes I think there must be some sugar sprinkled on them but nope. We have a variety this year including, Early Girls, Glaciers, Beefsteak, and Large Cherry Tomatoes

Early Girl, Cherry Tomatoes
Early Girl, Cherry Tomatoes


Set to dry for next year-green beans, lettuce, spinach, peaches, zucchini. We got ourselves a book about how to dry your own seeds. It has saved us a lot of money and now that we have done it a couple of years, it has become really easy. Definitely something worth looking into if you enjoy growing your own food.

bean seeds
bean seeds
lettuce and spinach seeds
lettuce and spinach seeds
peach and zuchinni seeds
peach and zucchini seeds