Collarbone Healing

Sketches to embroider a tablecloth with.

Collarbone healing provides an exercise in patience building. As I wait for my broken collar bone to heal, 6-10 weeks seems like forever. I am able to use my right arm in limited motions close to my body so, I am starting a new tablecloth embroidery. I gotta have something for my hands to do at night. For those of you who know me you are probably saying, “Another one”? Yep, this one is a favorite subject of mine. Can you guess?
Hummingbird SketchesThat is what I do, I embroider hummingbirds on tablecloths. These are sketches I have drawn to use as patterns to stitch these little characters on this one. The sketches are drawn with an iron-on purple pencil that I bought at the fabric store. There are nine positions drawn and I plan to mix and match them around randomly.

Can’t really say how many hummingbirds will end up being on this tablecloth. I have put a bunch along the edge of this full-size tablecloth and have not yet even put the flowers and branches in the design. I may be adding more to the mix or even taking a few out as I go. It’s an artist’s heaven when the design is figured out as I go.

I am looking forward to Spring’s arrival to be able to put out the hummingbird feeders. I am also planting their favorite flowers this year too and just can’t wait to sit out on my deck drinking morning coffee and watching these little guys fly around again.