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Department of Revenue Special Notice

3 yr property tax exemptions July 25,2021 introduction.

The Law is RCW Chapter 84.70.010 ReductionInValueAssessments

 Download link 3 pgs (full text)

Taxpayer’s Claim for Reduction of Assessments Resulting from Destroyued Real or Personal Property or Loss of Value in a Declared Disaster Area https://dor.wa.gov/taxes-rates/property-tax/destroyed-property


Under legislation passed in 2021, taxpayers may apply for a three-year exemption for physical improvement value added to single-family dwellings as a result of property destroyed by a qualifying natural disaster. The question is, “Is my home that was destroyed in the Oregon Rd, Elk Fire on August 18th, 2023 considered to be  “in a Declared Disaster Area”?

This date has been extended to July 1, 2024. Applications must be submitted to the county assessor before starting construction on new improvements. Contact your local county assessor for more information or see the links listed under Forms and Publications. But per a phone call with Joe Hollenback at the end of June they would be willing to accept forms through July 1st, 2024.

RCW Chapter 84.70010_040 DestroyedPropAbatementyRefund


DestroyedPropAbatementRefund.pdf 3 pgss


IRS Disaster Assistance and Emergency Relief

IRS disaster assistance and emergency relief

Emergency Managemeny Division EMD Disaster Assistance gfor businessses



allows assessors to use drones for inspection


changes allow seizure of personal property on accountds that owe over $50

DOR Form 62 00852 Damaged Timber Adjustment Application

Fire Demolition and Rebuilding FAQs 2pg flyer Site Plan, Asbestos, Regional Air then bldg permit



Fire Disaster Relief. Legislative changes

Exemption for Qualifying Single-Family Residences Damaged by a Natural Disaster

Department of Revenue Form 64-0117.  File with your local county assessor prior to beginning construction.  Applications received after June 30, 2026, may not be approved.

Additional Tax Relief Available to Wildfire Victims

Spokane County Assessor’s Office announced it has identified additional property tax relief available to those suffering from destroyed property because of the Gray and Oregon Road Fires.

Department of Revenue Form 640003

https://www.spokanecounty.org/5449/Fire-Disaster-Relief ESB 5454


not yet investigated

EHB 1271 Adopted IAAO standards for property inspections and includes personal property for delinquent payments in the current year

Engrossed House Bill 1271 (EHB 1271) amends multiple statutes

WA State Legislature COMMITTEE SIGN IN






Does this situation seem like a Tax Assessor Conflict-Of-Interest to you? We pay the Board members (Realtors) to work in a government setting where they are in charge of setting the values and making the rules for taxes on the real estate that they can sell. The Board Members of the Spokane Tax Assessors Office are Realtors & Realty Brokers except for one who is a Lawyer specializing in Real Estate Law.  I did not make this up! It is information buried in the Washington, Spokane County website (see links below). You just have to be willing to go on a search and rescue mission to locate it.

Meet the Board Members

How Much Money?

Let’s see, 6% of $250k equals a commission of $15k in commission,
but that same 6% on a $450k valued home sale comes to $27k in commission,
and that same 6% on a $650k valued home sale comes to $39k in commission.Realtor Commissions

With property values escalating so quickly, many may be unable to cover the increased cost of taxes. It is likely that they will lose their homes. A forced sale of your home to cover taxes is not a happy event in anyone’s life. Then, having to move somewhere else in this “housing-shortage” market, is a sentence to start over in a rental for most displaced homeowners. Taxpayer resentment after losing all those years of work to have their own home is not easily forgotten.

A tyrannical government sets paths to focus on low-income, fixed-income, and/or the elderly. Taxpayers’ non-involvement could very likely allow more to fall prey to this crooked setup. Losing a home at any stage of life due to out-of-control government greed is an atrocity. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Ridiculous Tax Inflation

Sky-Rocketing Tax Values

The Spokane County Tax Assessment Office crafted its own ridiculous tax inflation rates this year raising our property values by over $100,000 dollars. Does that sound reasonable to you?

We called to request a correction and the appraiser came out took pictures and ended up sending us a corrected assessment with a measly $2,000 reduction. As originally stated this is ridiculous! It is not a true or fair market value for our place, so we will have to appeal it. Filing an appeal will not be easy, but, we have to do something because this rapid inflation cripples us financially. Not a fund task at all.

Starting at the Spokane County of Washington State homepage URL “https://www.spokanecounty.org/“. Their homepage is built for people already familiar with all government offices, it is not helpful to the general public. I used a search for “property tax appeal” to find what department was correct to get information to start an appeal. Following is the information I was able to locate.

Appeal & Change in Value Forms

This page lists PDF forms that you can download to do an appeal.

General Outline of Appeal Process

Frequently Asked Questions

Meet the Board Members

Did you know that the Board Members of the Spokane Tax Assessor are all Realtors/Brokers except for one who is a Lawyer specializing in Real Estate? Does this look like a Conflict-Of-Interest?????

Parcel Information Search (SCOUT)

Preparing an Appeal

Property Tax Information

Taxpayer Town MeetingProperty Tax Information

The Spokane County Assessor Website

are Application Forms
  • 2022 Application Packet
  • 2021 Exemption Brochure
  • Proof of Disability Statement
  • Declaration of Trust
  • Income Threshold for 2019_Prior, and 2020-2024

Tax Law Information:

WA State Legislator, RCWs > Title 84 > Chapter 84.36 > Section 84.36.383 ,


The Social Security Act, Sections 223(d)(2)(A), Disability,


Taxpayer Town Hall Meeting

Taxpayer Town MeetingTaxpayer Town Hall Meeting

in downtown Spokane


Tuesday, April 5th



the Museum of Arts & Culture Auditorium

2316 W First Ave, Spokane WA

For more information and links to the County Treasurer’s office and info about applying for exemptions for disabilities and seniors visit this prior post. More information is on this prior post about the tax office forms.