Hopes for Quarantine

Pete, Val and Pat


Here are some hopes for quarantine from a country hick. You might be a country hick if you choose to stay home and garden. Can what you grow and also cook all meals from scratch. Country folk know what is going into their bodies and are able to pronounce all the ingredients in their foods.

We tend to take our time and living rurally makes us limit our trips into town. Why? Because the drive there and back takes enough time to require it. We plan a whole day of errands whenever we go into town, so, we hardly ever run to the store for one item.

As a society we rush-rush-rush

For years I have watched working people, getting in line at fast foods on the way home. Rushing around, taking kids to numerous after-school programs as they run around like a chicken-with-their-head-cut-off. Finally, they arrive home exhausted to open a box of cold food for dinner. Unfortunately, this routine allows no time to wind down. Rush to eat, and head to bed, and do it all over again the next day.

Before the quarantine, I’d see people buying boxed fast foods and frozen bags of ready-to-heat-up stuff. I’d wonder, has everyone forgotten how to make basic foods? Baking bread, rolling out pasta, roasts, stew, soups, whole chickens, sauces, and casseroles from leftovers. It’s not that hard and truthfully, homemade food tastes better.

Besides, a whole cart full of flour, sugar, produce, and meats amount to about half the cost of a cart full of fast food packages. I’ve often walked out of the store wondering how families can afford to buy expensive, less healthy foods like that?

Quarantine Benefits

  1. I am hoping that American citizens are re-learning how to cook delicious family favorites in their own kitchens. We are discussing things, playing games, and laughing with our loved ones. We can wean ourselves off of fast foods with their chemicals and poor nutrition. If we do, our society could weigh less and be healthier.
  2. We could embrace fewer activities filling each and every waking moment of our lives. We haven’t attended that plethora of activities and we have discovered that a little “downtime”, does us all good. Maybe a few of the activities can be eliminated to make things easier. Instead, we can learn how to relax and refresh ourselves.
  3. When this restriction ends, it would be best if we realize that we are in charge of how we choose to live our lives. We can embrace the choice to spend time at home, with our families first, and take better care of ourselves.

Corona Virus Thoughts

Corona BeerTo share my Corona Virus Thoughts, taken from impressions of the fear of the “Virus” being exhibited by the general populace of Spokane Washington. First off, I should share that the word Corona does not bring up a vision of creepy bacteria spores to me. I think that the owners of the Corona brewery should file a lawsuit against whoever decided to change this flu name to their brand name. Seriously.

I go to town and shop every two weeks or sometimes only once every month. Arriving early, I had to park in the outer regions of the parking lot at Costco. My next discovery was that there were no carts available at the store, which was a first. I went back outside to get a cart from someone who had just finished loading their car.

I was shocked by the change in the stores as I was buying staples and groceries. The store was more crowded than I have ever seen it. People had carts full of bottled water and toilet paper, and very little groceries. Strange! I asked one couple who had 2 carts, one toilet paper, and one water, “What are you going to do with all that toilet paper and water?” They looked at me as though I was a crazy lunatic and said in unison, “The Corona Virus”. Really?

Honestly, publicizing that we should stock up on bottled water and toilet paper. What good does that do for anyone?

The logic is missing something. Now is when we need to remember common sense. We live in a region with an overabundance of clean drinking water. So, why bottled water? What good is a ton of toilet paper to a household facing a virus? Having a clean bottom is not going to save my life, neither is having a large abundance of TP in stock at the house.

Common sense preventative measures?

  1. Elevated health consciences, striving to take the best care of myself.
  2. Withdrawal from unnecessary contact with possible carriers.
  3. Cleanliness.

I don’t put much worth into what I hear on the news anymore. The broadcasts have become extremely unbalanced. We are stuck with biased political rhetoric instead of newscasters giving us two sides of a story, allowing us the opportunity to make up our own minds. The news has become an unreliable source of information for me, one that I choose to ignore. A virtual waste of time, as it continues to spew political pollution and fear.