Legislation Daily Report 01_02

My comments for Legislative bills they are looking at each day.


I just got back on looking at the bills being submitted at the legislator today THURSDAY Jan 23, 2025, here is what I sent in today. This is only FYI, it is what I said to them, please send your own thought in today.

LOGIN and testify on the Washington Legislator Site at: https://app.leg.wa.gov/csi

Wood Burning Stoves

 I would like you to vote against SB 5174 – Concerning wood burning devices. My freedom to choose a way of life that includes heating my home with a wood stove is something I am not willing to give up. Using a wood stove for heat, is an economical source for people like us in rural areas. Collecting the dead standing and lying brush to heat our homes, helps to maintain the forest floor and brush debris level. We help to prevent forest fires! Common sense is what I request and I ask that you not allow the overstepping by the so-called ecology groups. Creating more testing testing requirements to meet even more strict “statewide emission performance standards adopted by the Department of Ecology” is STUPID. Even more crazy is the idea that it is okay to make it illegal for a homeowner to sell a house with a “wood burning device” that does not meet the new emission performance standard. RIDICULOUS OVERSTEP! Please vote NO!!!

Preserve Parents Rights

 I vote NO on HB 1296 Public Education System. I was so glad when we were able to get parent’s rights preserved when I-2081 passed. I was one of the signatures on that Initiative and I was also one of the persons circulating the petition sheets around. As a parent, I am the person who should be making choices and decisions about my kids education. So, if I want to opt out of strange sexual health and other sensitive subjedts. I am the person who should decide is my child needs medical services especially when the schools are trying to interfere by taking a child off campus without notifying parents. Please don’t let them take away parental rights, I don’t feel that is in the best interest of our children. Please stand with families by rejecting HB 1296 and protecting the rights of parents to know and act in their children’s best interests.

Talking To Your Representative

Talking to your Representative is pretty easy to do while attending a Townhall Meeting at the Inland Grange.

Representative L Christian Townhall
https://content.govdeli wondering if it is worth very.com/accounts/WALEGHRCCHRISTIAN/bulletins/3c58935

Talking to your Representative is pretty easy to do while attending a Townhall Meeting this past Saturday at the Inland Grange. Leonard Christian is a down to earth person and easy to talk to. Researching the Bills that they are doing in Olympia starts again in January, here is where we look up that stuff.

So many interesting things…

Squatting on vacant land has not been prevented by the County.

We talked about recent squatters on Bridges Rd were easily able to pose as owners on vacant land. The real landowners had to file suit and fight for a year to be able to evict them at their own costs. Our Representative assured that the land would not be able to be sold by a squatter because the Title search would stop the sale. It still seems wrong that a squatter is so easily able to forge signatures and transfer public County records to their name, though.

Governor Inslee has filed permits to build and then move into a new home complex at Hauser Lake  when he retires from Olympia.

Honestly, that is just too close for comfort for me! Hauser Lake current property owners can expect immediate raises in their tax assessment values, and I wonder if we will be able to use the lake after he parks there.

How about rent control for the elderly in manufactured homes?

Leonard does not believe that rent control is a good approach to bringing housing costs down. Instead more homes need to be built so that the costs can go down. The laws of supply and demand.

Ways to approach enforcement of debris removal

…on neighborhood junkyard properties was discussed. It is so good to talk about it but action is what is wanted. There are bosses that can be called for solutions when County offices don’t do their job.

The $8 fee for a “Ferry tax” is crazy for us on the East side of Washington.

Talk went on to all the costs going up, ie; gas, groceries, taxes are my own bothersome subject of real estate prices skyrocketing while we are struggling to rebuild our homes. Many of our neighbors have given up and moved, after the fire. I am in the middle of appealing a 45% tax assessment hike in land value for our property in the middle of a totally destroyed area off of Eistrup Rd. The beautiful trees are gone and so is all the privacy we used to have. It is now a place completely barren that looks like a war zone. He has served on the Board Of Equalization and knows a lot about how appeals work.

I wonder if our Representative can setup a way to teach a taxpayer to understand the reports the Assessor’s office send. Can he teach us how to go about the research needed for a successful appeal? It would be a positive step to empower the taxpayer so that we fully understanding the process, wouldn’t it?

I am still standing!

A citizen that is involved, knowledgeable and heard wears a smile.

Valerie Woelk

Property Value Raised Again

Property Value Raised Again on our 10 acre-burnt out parcel going from a value of $92,000 to $129,000 in one year. We are only at the framing stage of our rebuild after the fire. The scorched land has not been improved.

Home Before August 18th Oregon Road Wildfire

A 40-1/2 % INCREASE in one year right after a nationally declared disaster wildfire. NOT REASONABLE.

Present Home July1,2024

DEADLINE TO FILE AN APPEAL IS JULY 1, 2024 in the mail. That is Monday.

I have had to appeal our inflating tax value increases for the last 3 years.  Filled-out forms are available if you would like to download them HERE. Unfortunately, we have not been unsuccessful. It would take a miracle to win with the way Spokane County has this set up.

ONLY if everyone stood up and appealed together could we win.

After a call with Joe Hollenbach (Chief Deputy Assessor) jhollenback@spokanecounty.org  at 509-477-5902

There are previous writings on this blog describing this process in the articles listed below.

Ridiculous Tax Inflation

DEADLINE to Appeal

You can see a copy of my appeal if you’d like to send me a message. PLEASE APPEAL RIDICULOUS RAISES IN PROPERTY TAXES ON BURNT OUTLAND.

Did you sign this form?

Department of Revenue Special Notice

3 yr property tax exemptions July 25,2021 introduction.

The Law is RCW Chapter 84.70.010 ReductionInValueAssessments

 Download link 3 pgs (full text)

Taxpayer’s Claim for Reduction of Assessments Resulting from Destroyued Real or Personal Property or Loss of Value in a Declared Disaster Area https://dor.wa.gov/taxes-rates/property-tax/destroyed-property


Under legislation passed in 2021, taxpayers may apply for a three-year exemption for physical improvement value added to single-family dwellings as a result of property destroyed by a qualifying natural disaster. The question is, “Is my home that was destroyed in the Oregon Rd, Elk Fire on August 18th, 2023 considered to be  “in a Declared Disaster Area”?

This date has been extended to July 1, 2024. Applications must be submitted to the county assessor before starting construction on new improvements. Contact your local county assessor for more information or see the links listed under Forms and Publications. But per a phone call with Joe Hollenback at the end of June they would be willing to accept forms through July 1st, 2024.

RCW Chapter 84.70010_040 DestroyedPropAbatementyRefund


DestroyedPropAbatementRefund.pdf 3 pgss


IRS Disaster Assistance and Emergency Relief

IRS disaster assistance and emergency relief

Emergency Managemeny Division EMD Disaster Assistance gfor businessses



allows assessors to use drones for inspection


changes allow seizure of personal property on accountds that owe over $50

DOR Form 62 00852 Damaged Timber Adjustment Application

Fire Demolition and Rebuilding FAQs 2pg flyer Site Plan, Asbestos, Regional Air then bldg permit



Fire Disaster Relief. Legislative changes

Exemption for Qualifying Single-Family Residences Damaged by a Natural Disaster

Department of Revenue Form 64-0117.  File with your local county assessor prior to beginning construction.  Applications received after June 30, 2026, may not be approved.

Additional Tax Relief Available to Wildfire Victims

Spokane County Assessor’s Office announced it has identified additional property tax relief available to those suffering from destroyed property because of the Gray and Oregon Road Fires.

Department of Revenue Form 640003

https://www.spokanecounty.org/5449/Fire-Disaster-Relief ESB 5454


not yet investigated

EHB 1271 Adopted IAAO standards for property inspections and includes personal property for delinquent payments in the current year

Engrossed House Bill 1271 (EHB 1271) amends multiple statutes

WA State Legislature COMMITTEE SIGN IN




IRS Break

Wood Slash Pile after the burn.IRS Break. The Internal Revenue Service is giving fire victims a break in filing their taxes. It is not much but they have extended dates to file and pay taxes and are pointing out ways to get copies of previous tax returns for free along with checking out how to file for losses. We also have a new label, “4759-DR” to put on all of our tax paperwork. FUN, FUN, FUN. Simply do all of this while you burn the monstrous slash piles in the mud and cold.

You can file your taxes later, WOW!
June 17, 2024

WE ARE DISASTER RELIEF 4759. Remember to identify your return as a FEMA Disaster individual by putting “4759-DR” in bold at the top of your return. That is our number here in Spokane Washington.

The article mentions relief programs available as we deal with losses incurred. This Internal Revenue Service announcement explains all of it. These also affect businesses located in the area, or that serve the disaster areas. In the announcement, there are links to declarations, affected areas, forms, and booklets to explain how to complete forms. It is all typical “LEGALEEZE” and utterly fun to read. NOT really!

FEMA 4759-DR

Federal Emergency Management Agency declaration. See the previous post to find out where to go locally to fill out your FEMA and SBA applications.


Current List of Disaster Relief Locations

The first link is the same declaration link as mentioned above. The second link takes you to a similar announcement page that has been slightly reworded, and it outlines similar information about the changed due dates.


In a federally declared disaster area, we have the option to claim disaster-related losses on our federal tax return. On our 2022 return, we have till October 15, 2024, to make this kind of claim.

Publication 547, Casualties, Disasters, Theft” is the How-To direction book to fill out this form. It is a 31-page booklet in PDF format, and it is also available in Ebook format which will allow searching.

Form 4684 directions


IRS has decided to waive the usual fees that they charge for sending us copies of previous tax returns that burned up in the fire. Isn’t that special?

FORM 4506 – Request for a Copy of Tax Return
FORM 4506T – Request for Transcript of Tax Return

I will order as far back as possible (7 years at least). Then we have information if they decide to audit us later on.


FEMA hours at CCOBFEMA & SBA are here,  The Federal Emergency Management Association and Small Business Association have set up shop at the Country Church of the Open Bible in Elk WA this week. These are along with two other organizations including the mobile DSHS crew and an Insurance Commissioner representative from Olympia. I went in on Friday to register with whatever programs were available for our family. There are four places you can do the paperwork for disaster assistance right here in Elk. The only way you can guarantee that you will get NO assistance is to NOT APPLY. So, be sure to come on down and apply.

The hours add up to 50 hours a week shown above. Be sure to take advantage of this convenience. It will take less time than you would think and the people are very friendly and helpful.

Monday, Tuesday, & Friday: 8:30am-6:30pm (30 hrs)

Wednesday & Thursday: 8:30am-3:30pm (14 hrs)

Saturday: 9am-3pm (6 hrs)


FEMA decides who can get grants that don’t have to be paid back. The application amounted to about 30 minutes of me listening to the lady filling out the form on her laptop across the table from me. I answered her questions the best that I could recollect. Things like how much damage, street address… Value of property lost and some description. Dependants, health, or medical supplies. How much insurance? Current living situation. Mailing address and sign a permission slip for them to get a copy of my taxes from the IRS to check our income. We set up email notices and I had a FEMA number to sign in. I asked to get paper copies mailed to me for our records.


SBA Fact Sheet 01 small SBA Fact Sheet 02 smallSBA-The U.S. Small Business Administration was the second office I went to apply for assistance. If we qualify, we can get a loan with no interest in the first year and low interest after that. We are hoping to qualify to get enough funds to cover what our insurance company is not going to cover as we rebuild. You don’t have to be rebuilding, you can be relocating instead. They share information with FEMA and ask a few more questions. I thought they would only help with loans for my business and I was wrong. They also do loans for much more.

I have attached the fact sheets that they hand out so that you can read everything you need to know before you go in. (I got permission from them to share the form). You can download them here, “SBA FACT SHEET 01” & “SBA FACT SHEET 02”, to print your own.

DSHS Mobile Office

The same people that come to New Hope in Colbert, and the North County Food Pantry in Elk.


The Insurance Commissioner

She is willing to help you with the legalities of our insurance companies.

I left the church with hope in my heart again.

HB1899 Rebuild After Fire Helpful

HB1899 Rebuild After Fire – Helpful

Pete’s Bills is a short list of important bills that have been read and should be testified on in his opinion. If you are one of those who is happy to sit back on the couch and only complain after a law is in effect, this is probably not enjoyable reading for you. Continue reading “HB1899 Rebuild After Fire Helpful”

Emergency SB 6095 Secretary of Health Orders

Emergency SB6095...

Pete’s Bills is a short list of important bills that have been read and should be testified on in his opinion. If you are one of those who is happy to sit back on the couch and only complain after a law is in effect, this is probably not enjoyable reading for you. Continue reading “Emergency SB 6095 Secretary of Health Orders”