My comments for Legislative bills they are looking at each day.
I just got back on looking at the bills being submitted at the legislator today THURSDAY Jan 23, 2025, here is what I sent in today. This is only FYI, it is what I said to them, please send your own thought in today.
LOGIN and testify on the Washington Legislator Site at:
Wood Burning Stoves
I would like you to vote against SB 5174 – Concerning wood burning devices. My freedom to choose a way of life that includes heating my home with a wood stove is something I am not willing to give up. Using a wood stove for heat, is an economical source for people like us in rural areas. Collecting the dead standing and lying brush to heat our homes, helps to maintain the forest floor and brush debris level. We help to prevent forest fires! Common sense is what I request and I ask that you not allow the overstepping by the so-called ecology groups. Creating more testing testing requirements to meet even more strict “statewide emission performance standards adopted by the Department of Ecology” is STUPID. Even more crazy is the idea that it is okay to make it illegal for a homeowner to sell a house with a “wood burning device” that does not meet the new emission performance standard. RIDICULOUS OVERSTEP! Please vote NO!!!
Preserve Parents Rights
I vote NO on HB 1296 Public Education System. I was so glad when we were able to get parent’s rights preserved when I-2081 passed. I was one of the signatures on that Initiative and I was also one of the persons circulating the petition sheets around. As a parent, I am the person who should be making choices and decisions about my kids education. So, if I want to opt out of strange sexual health and other sensitive subjedts. I am the person who should decide is my child needs medical services especially when the schools are trying to interfere by taking a child off campus without notifying parents. Please don’t let them take away parental rights, I don’t feel that is in the best interest of our children. Please stand with families by rejecting HB 1296 and protecting the rights of parents to know and act in their children’s best interests.