We have a dilapidated garden fence. With the accumulation of snow weight this winter, everything started to really lean. When the snow melted it became obvious. There is no way around it, we had to replace the fence. Dang! This is a view of the 1/4 acre garden that we plant every year with the messed-up old fence.
Over the winter our garden fence started to sag and lean everywhere, till we had placed just as many braces to prop it up as there were fenceposts. Here is a before picture of the Northside fence with all of its braces. You can see how saggy it all is. Guess it really is needing some help isn’t it?
This image illustrates how over the years, we have added fences as the garden expanded by simply going around big rocks or trees. There was no long-term plan. Laying out the fence in any kind of straight-line was not a concern so much as simply keeping the deer out of the garden.
It is a good thing we are not competing in any kind of Home and Garden contest because, in the existing leaning lines of fence, there is not even one single 90-degree corner angle in it. We began by trying to lay out the new fenceline with 90-degree corners but finally gave up. Our focus instead is on straight runs with the removal of all possible obstacles. Thank goodness for the Kubota…. thank you, Dan and Ann!
The south border of the garden is the longest continuous stretch of fence at approximately 150 feet long. It is going to also be the straightest stretch of fence in the new. You have seen all of the “before” pictures in our garden fence line replacement project. Now, you know what the Woelk’s in Elk do during quarantine, letting the ultraviolet rays kill all the Covid 19 virus cells as we sweat.