First Snow

first snow woods photograph

Luckily, I captured this picture during the first snow of the season as I walk outside the studio. Almost every day, I get to see beautiful scenes like this and my camera is a real happy camper. You can see that there was a small accumulation of snow and actually the day was warm. Sometimes, it feels like I live in paradise with nature all around me like this.

Max and I are not the only ones enjoying this area. There are tracks from our neighbors who had just ridden their ATVs through it, and there are a lot of Bambi and turkey tracks too! Everyone loves the outside up here in Elk, WA.  Many times I wonder if our neighborhood is what started the, “You might be a redneck if……” joke line. Check out one of my favorites,  Jeff Foxworthy, the comedian here.

My goal right now is to conquer a fear of painting snow and get good at painting winter scenes. I figure the more I paint, the easier it will get. Hmmm. Kind of a common saying for me. We’ll see, won’t we?

walk first snow WC washHere is the first study I painted of this view, as a horizontal presentation. After finishing the study, I am able to see areas to improve. Standing back away gives me a good view to ponder how I want to proceed with the larger painting.  I’m not so sure I will go with horizontal, I think I like the vertical better.

Walk First Snow
Watercolor study complete for horizontal layout.

Even though I like this image, I will try a vertical layout next. Just need to see if it is more inviting in that format.