There are 6 original chalk portraits of Jesus at our church sale, the first one is already sold.“Missions Boutique”
for the Country Church of the Open Bible
here in Elk WA at The Firehouse on Hwy 2
35007 N. Newport Hwy
Friday: starting at 9am till 7pm
I practice with chalk and black paper doing the highlights so I don’t get too used to seeing only the dark shadows which is what I spend the majority of my time illustrating with for books and b&w drawings. Highlights vs Shadows, try it and see how opposite it is for your brain to exercise this way.
Jesus Looks Different
Have you ever noticed that the face of Jesus throughout history has been similar to whatever society the painter lives in? If you think about it, this is only right because we have never really seen His face. There are no portraits painted of Him during all of His travels, there are no photographs taken of Him while He was on this earth. We have no selfies of Jesus. When we draw and paint Jesus, it is from feelings in our heart and soul estimating what we would see in a Man/God coming to save us. We use the male faces in our lives to render this person in our heart.
In Northern Europe, Jesus tends to have a very Caucasian slender face with light hair (straight or a little wavy). Moving South He morphs into curlier darker hair and skin. Going into Paul’s region of travel He becomes more like the people in Turkey or Arabia with a dark slender face and more prominent nose. Jesus is painted as a black man, in the museums of Africa.
The most amazing thing about all the portraits of Jesus is the sense of “awe” that is in rendition. You can tell the artist is trying to relay a very important feeling.