Opposite Drawing

Opposite drawing is a great way to exercise the artist mind. Recording the highlights on a dark surface, instead of looking for the shadows and putting them down on white paper.

Last Sunday with the kids, we produced pictures of Jesus laughing.

I got to keep those gears in my mind well-greased to have creativity remain alive and my drawing skills improve. Changing what I am looking at, to see the shapes of, and put down, really does a “switch-a-roo” on the mind! It makes the journey through the mind go on nerves not used very often which builds new bridges for my brain to walk on. Hence. Synapses!

I will work with kids in art at our church every 2nd or 3rd Sunday through the summer. Check us out at svmchurch.org

Jesus smiling. Chaulk on Black paper
Jesus smiling. Chaulk on Black paper