I am finishing this dahlia closeup watercolor this week. Here are 6 progressive shots of the painting’s progress.
12″w x 13″h watercolor on 300lb Arches paper.I establish the layout with a pencil sketch .

Starting with a background wash of alizarin crimson I begin to apply highlight color washes on the leaves, then progress to the light washes on the flowers.

Various shades of green and gray are applied to the leaves in the background.

The next step is, to bring up the intensity of the colors in the blossoms by applying bright layers.

To complete this piece, there is very little work remaining to be done. The process becomes a back and forth balancing act from here. I apply the darks and shadows. Followed by accentuating the lights until I get the look I want.
I will be sure to share the finished painting in the near future.