She is Back!

Valerie and Max on a boulder.We have pretty much just concentrated on rebuilding for this whole year. Actually it has been one year and four months since the Oregon Road Wildfire changed so many lives here in Elk WA. This is a picture of me and Max helping Pete to lay boulders down where the roof sheds snow. Erosion control.

You may not have seen us and wondere what we are up to. Well, it takes all the energy you can collect to actually get through all the County paperwork and restrictions so you can build. Then the insurance companies are another large barrier to overcome. They eventually do pay what is owed if you stick to your guns, and are able to do a lot of spreadsheet lists to their liking.

It is not funny how many times I have been asked to show pictures or receipts to prove we owned something. That is kind of hard to do when everything you have has been reduced to ashes and twisted metal. We have even considered just taking some ash and putting it into an envelope then mailing it to the intelligent person asking for proof.

Our home was nestled in a thick forest and was private and full of wildlife. We miss the trees and all the shade and protection they supplied. I still feel quite exposed and am still not used to seeing all of our neighbors houses. We will have to put curtains on our windows and that is new. More security is a must when we are this exposed, especially when some newer neighbors are marginally certifiable.


We hope to move in soon and are awaiting that day with great anticipation.

2 thoughts on “She is Back!”

  1. I am so glad that you’ll be in your home soon. I have been waiting patiently for you to have a place to live and yes, the paperwork is unbelievable. May God quickly work through all of that by Christmas I love you all.

  2. SO glad you’re getting closer to moving in! The aftermath has been more than just a home rebuild- it’s reconstructing our lives. I feel a lot of contentment being back “at our place” and I wish that for you and Pete too❤️

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