A Purple Bearded Iris caught my eye in the garden. Its blossom is just so voluptuous and colorful. The bright purples are so intense and fade into beautiful ruffled lace on their edges. I especially love the spots in the center right next to a fluffy yellow bump. What is that bump called? I like the way this painting transforms into a black and white image so I thought I’d share that first.
The first step for me is to identify shadow on the blossom, using royal blue. Yellow gives me background separation as it helps me to recognize where my petals are. I love the way royal blue can be used in almost invisible layers up to darkly opaque. It seems dramatic at this point but I hope to bring it into line later.I keep adding greens to the background till I get the effect I want.
To make the rich color of the petal centers, a deep red purple is dropped in on wet surfaces and extra is brushed off with a dry brush. The line details at the middle of the petal are carefully drawn in on dry paper. A drop of yellow brings that bump out. Browns are washed over the background last.

After reviewing these photographs I may try stopping with the background and leaving the tangle of leaves more singular in the next rendering.