Beautiful Flowers Blooming

Dahlia Patch 30″w x 10″h watercolor on 300lb WC paper

I was fortunate to have beautiful flowers blooming all summer in my garden this past year. I grabbed this painting from my “unfinished painting stack” tonight. This is not the first time to paint this Dahlia image. My previous attempt became all overworked and mucky. Seemed like it actually losgt itself in the background. I simply gave it up to turning the paper over and trying it again. See previous posts about my first attempt here.

I wonder how many two-sided paintings have I sold in my life?

Doing bright-colored flowers of any variety is so cool. This painting has a new type of background technique that is different and a little scary for me. Trying for a looser and softer background. One that will let us see the petals of the flowers without distraction. Blossoms with petals and all their curves, shadows… I am beginning to really like this one now.

Let me know what you think, so far.

This week was full of stressful work like taxes, paperwork, and illustration assignments. But, today was a great relaxing break to just paint. I worked on completing my painting for the Spokane Watercolor Society Member Show.  It feels good to paint things that I like all day.

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